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Do you Digital Detox?

Do you Digital Detox?     The term ‘Digital Detox’ (Digital cleanse, tech free time or similar) seems to be everywhere at the moment. It’s basically giving yourself time away from your screens and tech or limiting it. Is this something you are aware of or something that you do already? I found myself spending…

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Is Massage dangerous?

Back in 2012 I wrote a blog post about the safety of massage following a well publicised court case against a male massage therapist in North London. In that post I wanted to highlight that this sort of thing is not common place and also what you as a member of the public should be…

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The Power of Scents – Aromatherapy Awareness Week

Aromatherapists worldwide are celebrating and participating in Aromatherapy Awareness Week this June, raising awareness and promoting the health benefits of aromatherapy. Nothing is more memorable than a smell. One scent can be unexpected, momentary and fleeting, yet conjure up a childhood summer beside a lake in the mountains. Diane Ackerman The Federation of Holistic Therapists…

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Endometriosis – a personal story

Over this past week I’ve had more discussions about endometriosis than I have done in months, all thanks to the BBC releasing the results from questioning 13,500 women highlighting the effect endometriosis has on them.  This research described how almost half of the women have had suicidal thoughts, are addicted to strong prescriptive painkillers and…

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Power of Scents – Aromatherapy Awareness Week

Aromatherapists worldwide are celebrating and participating in Aromatherapy Awareness Week from 10th to 16th June 2019, raising awareness and promoting the health benefits of aromatherapy. Nothing is more memorable than a smell. One scent can be unexpected, momentary and fleeting, yet conjure up a childhood summer beside a lake in the mountains. Diane Ackerman The…

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Help, I’m stressed

Original post April 2019, updated in April 2022 April is National stress awareness month. The word “Stress” is quite possibly one of the most used words in the English vocabulary, especially within the developed world. My clinics are based in Central London and the City of London, where stress seems to be the key driver…


Uncovered: Simple skincare

“Skin loving ingredients. No Harsh Chemicals” is the strap line for Simple skincare’s recent TV advert.   They sell themselves as the leading brand for sensitive skincare product in the UK (SymphonyIRI Group All Outlets UK Non Medicated Facial skincare 52 w/e 25th February 2012). But how true is this really? I took a closer…


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